Get to know
new people at a
Dinner Roulette!
Samstag, 9. November

What is a dinner roulette?

Your friends don't have time, it's hard to meet new people and everyday life is kind of dull?

Six new people meet at each course. Getting to know each other is easier in this small group than at a party.

Beim Dinner Roulette bilden jeweils zwei Personen ein Team. Jedes Team ist für einen Gang als Gastgeber in der eigenen Küche verantwortlich und für die anderen beiden Gänge bei anderen Teams zu Gast. Am Schluss sehen sich alle in einer Bar wieder.
Sign up alone or with a cooking partner
Receive plan
Shortly before the event you will learn who your partner is, for which course you are host and where you are for the other courses

Selects a recipe, buys the ingredients and prepares it.

Trefft alle Teilnehmer wieder, setzt begonnene Gespräche fort und teilt die Erlebnisse des Abends

Get to know and enjoy
Follow your individual schedule, be hosts once and guests twice
Schnapp dir Schürze und Kochpartner und nutze die Chance auf mehr Spannung und Freude in Deinem Leben!
Das nächste Event findet im Herbst statt.
Still unsure?

We don't think so! There are great, simple recipes that you can cook as a team. This is about fun, not star cuisine!

Don't worry: With only six people at the table, even the most reserved person will easily strike up a conversation

Let us worry about that! We take travel times into account when planning and find an alternative solution if nothing works.
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